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Thanks for writing this blog which many IAS officers are
quoting. I am indeed grateful. I wish it was such a simple arithmetic. I am sure we all agree that best practices
shall be followed while deciding such issues. Lots of researches have been done
on structuring military and civil pensions. Best coming from Japan and
Singapore which is even followed by west. Mr Dave is one who has done some work
but his findings are not authentic and needs validation. Nevertheless let me
highlight few points for assisting writer of this blog and raising certain
questions to him. I am sure it will help him and others understand this complex
issue in its right perceptive.
My comments on blogs are
As far this blog is concerned it has been
written purely from a perceptive of an insurance company and no insurance
company insures war casualties or gives a total package to a soldier.
Professional soldiers (mind you it is profession
of arms and not job) are given certain sovereign commitments to prevent
becoming mercenaries. Choice is of state
you want a professional army or an army of mercenaries. India
made a choice to go for a professional army and gave certain sovereign commitments
and same needs to be respected and it has a cost.
There are certain wrong assumptions made like
life expectancy which in fact in case of soldiers is lesser than civilian by 8
years. It may come as surprise to writer but that is true soldiers though
healthy die early due to certain psychological and physical disorders which
they develop due to stress of service
Issue of
OROP cannot be seen in isolation. It is part of whole compensation package and
structure as adopted in India and in particular reference to military where sovereign
commitments have been made. The issue has risen as soldiers pension was reduced
from 75% to 50% violating orders of Nehru Govt. Writer may like to search and read orders of
Nehru Govt on how to fix compensation package for soldiers and mind you it is
still valid.
as a standard practice military pay and pensions are structured in different
manner than civil and it has reasons of adhering to best HR practices and also
certain sovereign commitments which state gives to soldiers for having
committed their life to nation and mind you this commitment is for life. That
means even after retirement soldiers of the state carry that commitment till
his death and that is the reason military personals are given title of rank by
law which they use as prefix to their names forever. It becomes part of
identity. No civil or police service carry such liability and that is the
reason pension model of PAY AS YOU GO is adopted for soldiers worldwide and NPS
and other models s applicable to civilians.
Military constitutionally has a distinct identity
like judges. Military officers are commissioned officers and it is a separate class.
I am sure writer understands certain functional implications and responsibilities
of being a commissioned officer. A
civilian president is a supreme commander of defense forces. There are two separate
hats which he wears and that is the reason military forces are attached with
govt only for administrative reason. No civilian except president therefore has
command authority over the forces. This is also the reason worldwide separate pay
decisions are made for soldiers and it is not clubbed with civilians.
Unfortunately in India same pay commission deals with both subjects which violate
constitutional identity of soldiers.
Issue being complex as mentioned above after due
research for most of the modern armies following principles have been accepted
while deciding their compensation package and India shall be no exception ( Order
of Nehru Govt on administration of pay and pension of soldiers)
Considering job profile of soldiers, Average
Career Earnings of soldiers shall be 10-30% more than civilian staff and this
in addition to cost attached to provide certain functional facilities to make
them perform their jobs. Average career earning is worked out as pay and pension
cost during entire life.
Considering sovereign commitments which govt
makes to soldiers (for not becoming mercenaries and certain security compulsions)
and soldiers make to state for life, assured pension is a sovereign commitment
and not favor.
While deciding above title of ranks shall not be
considered as a benchmark for parity as these are unique to military but their
length of service. Therefore Average Salary Index is worked out to bring parity
in relation to length of service( Nehru Govt order makes it clear)
Govt retains the discretion to reduce cost by assuring
jobs or compensations in other forms in returns. In any case minimum returns
for having been a soldier cannot be reduced. In USA while soldiers are in civil
govt or corporate jobs, makes suitable adjustments in pensions but it is
restored if the jobs are lost. ( in USA a soldier can even earn 100% pension :)
Issue of soldiers pay and pensions have been
lingering on for decades now. Whole complexities were created by Mrs Indra’s Govt due to certain political game of
revenge and her aspirations to have total control over military ( may be before
emergency). Avoiding that, I can only say the issue is taking heavy toll on
moral of soldiers risking sure defeat in next war. Nation has to make a choice
what does it want? A professional Army or an army of mercenaries or slightly
more armed para military force, or wish to outsource defense of country to
other nation like Japan or have no military but a police force in hope that
nukes will give you security or multiple forces created to take care of self perceived coup phobia? Everything has a cost. Choice has to be made. If
you can’t pay a professional army than give liberty to soldiers to look for
employment anywhere in world like any civilian. There are enough countries
which have shortage of men ready to pay Indian soldiers more especially when
security environment is deteriorating and cold war II has already started.
Russian and French offers are already there. Britain, Canada and Australia are
already thinking giving soldiers of India under commonwealth a status of their
own veteran. In fact Canada has already given. USA is ready to open her army
for Indian soldiers. In any case Pakistan won’t mind and do it happily. It is
question of oath and commitments which all public services take. Soldier’s commitment
to state is in terms of their oath which they take in return to certain sovereign
commitments. If you can assure sovereign commitment its fine and if state can’t
then also it is fine soldiers are free thereafter to take decision like any
other citizen of this country. (in any case who is abiding by oath in this
As far as cost is concerned 30% cost of defense
can be reduced in India if corruption is eliminated and military is structured
as per modern armies. We are still structured as per WW II model and our procurement
systems are highly corrupt. State can easily pay to soldiers then. In fact
soldiers are asking lesser. OROP doesn’t compensate fully as per standard
practice. In any case as per writers estimates the increase in cost is only 231% which if corrected with right figures of soldiers life expectancy and inflation will be not more than 150%. Which is peanuts for the quality of defense nation is getting.
It is not question of simple’ arithmetic but is
related to survival of India in most hostile region of world. Considering long
history of slavery, I only hope nation learns. After all it is men behind
weapons who win wars where there are no space for runners up. Nation may like
to know about cost benefit analysis of .75% of GDP spend on soldiers cost versus
2.5% of GDP spent on civil govt staff (increased in name of economy from 1 to 2.5%). Per penny returns received. After all India
is a poor country and it is tax payers money.
A very different perspective on OROP, than most I have read in the recent past. May I request the author to approach some renowned newspapers to carry this article for wider dissemination.
ReplyDeleteA very different perspective on OROP, than most I have read in the recent past. May I request the author to approach some renowned newspapers to carry this article for wider dissemination.
ReplyDeleteRequest for wide publicity of various genuine points brought out by the author in favour of OROP through news papers , magazines& media for wider dissemination and knowledge of common concern authority.
ReplyDeleteLt Col B M Thapa, Bengal Sapper, Singapore